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June 14, 2012

Argumentative-Persuasive Essay Topics

Argumentative-persuasive essay topics need to be original, show some aspects of intelligence and perhaps must be logical in a way that the reader feels that the paper has been developed with strategic vision in mind. Argumentative persuasive essay topics must be backed-up by strong evidence so that readers are convinced in simplest form whatsoever. After going through the argumentative-persuasive essay paper, the readers must conform to the writer’s way of reasoning.
For instance one of the highly debated persuasive essay topics is whether abortion should be legalized or not. Such an easy persuasive essay topic is usually put under tight microscope and every nitty-gritty is scrutinized since many people are already engaged in the argumentative essay topic and have taken sides. To shift audience from one section of reasoning to another may deem difficult but through expression of points and arguments, the reader must be convinced to change his stand on the essay topic.
Most argumentative-persuasive essay topics have two sides, whether to persuade the audience in position of the argument or go against the argument depending on values and views of the writer. There are some argumentative essay topics that are quite composite and take three or more sides for instance, the debate on voting age can take up to three positions, whether voting age should be upheld where it is currently, lowered or rose to old age. Since America’s population is aging, may individuals will prefer if the voting age is reduced, for the youth, they perceive that people of old-age don’t have clear thinking and reasoning therefore can vote un-performing leaders who will deteriorate the youth’s living condition. At the same time majority of the population are cynical for change and vie for the current age to be retained.